
Kosala Nuwan Perera

Hi, I’m Kosala Nuwan Perera. I’m a dedicated father and husband, a professional Web and Mobile Solution Architect, and an avid OSS and community advocate. I’m currently a .NET Architect and a Developer Advocate for Virtusa and have formerly worked for several major clients in Sri Lanka, Sweden, Norway, Australia, and The USA in the outsourcing/offshoring industry, mostly on web and mobile applications that you may have used.

GitHub: kosalanuwan

I’m an author of various OSS projects and you can often find me speaking and training at various tech workshops and events here in Colombo, Sri Lanka.

LinkedIn : kosalanuwan

My background is decently well covered here. I accept connections from people I’ve met, worked with, spoken with, or otherwise had enough interaction to feel that I can call them professional contact. I don’t respond to requests from people I don’t know.


If you are interested in learning more about me or my line of work, please feel free to contact me but it ain’t free of charge nor cheap either.